How to Automate Testing in the DevOps Lifecycle_ A Step-by-Step Guide - Executive Automats-2

Data-Driven Testing: An Effective Approach to Software Quality Assurance

To ensure a product operates seamlessly across various scenarios, testing is essential. With the ever-changing nature of products and their environments, various testing methods are applied. Data-driven testing is one such method. In this article, we'll delve into what data-driven testing entails, its benefits for testers and companies, and the various types of data-driven testing. 

What is data-driven testing?

When speaking of data-driven testing, one usually implies executing a series of steps multiple times with varying input values gained from the data source. For example, input values can be sourced from various data repositories: 

  • Spreadsheets (Excel sheets or Google Sheets)
  • Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server)
  • CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) files, etc. 

Therefore, to start data-driven testing, you need:

  1. An automation testing tool
  2. Test script/scenario
  3. Data source
  4. Input values for testing
  5. Testing environment to execute the tests. 

How to Automate Testing in the DevOps Lifecycle_ A Step-by-Step Guide - Executive Automats-1-3

Data-driven testing is used in software quality assurance to validate the behavior of an application with different sets of data. Instead of manually writing separate test cases for each scenario, data-driven testing allows testers to design a single test script or scenario that can be executed multiple times with varying inputs. This is one of the core benefits of data-driven testing. 

How is data-driven testing performed?

In data-driven testing, test cases are created to verify the functionality of an application against a range of input values. As mentioned above, these input values (aka test data) are typically stored in external data sources such as spreadsheets, databases, CSV files, etc. The test script retrieves the test data from these sources and executes the same test logic repeatedly, iterating over each set of input values.

The core concept of data-driven testing lies in executing tests with a spectrum of input data to validate the application's functionality across various values. This strategy operates by utilizing data as inputs for script operations, where each dataset within the script represents a unique test case. As more data sets are incorporated, the number of test cases expands accordingly. 

Example of data-driven testing

Let’s consider a scenario where you are testing the login functionality of the website. Instead of creating separate test cases for each combination of inputs (e.g., different usernames, passwords), you can create a single test script that retrieves this information from a spreadsheet. For example: 

Test case named login inputs: 

  • Username: "user1", Password: "password1" (Expected result: Successful login)
  • Username: "user2", Password: "password2" (Expected result: Successful login)
  • Username: "user3", Password: "password3" (Expected result: Successful login)

This allows you to validate the login functionality with multiple user inputs, ensuring that the application behaves as expected under various scenarios.

Besides, this approach offers several benefits. Firstly, it enhances test coverage by enabling testers to validate a wide range of scenarios with minimal effort. Secondly, it promotes reusability, as the same test script can be reused with different sets of test data. Thirdly, it improves maintainability, as changes to test data can be easily accommodated without modifying the test script itself.

Benefits of data-driven testing

The main benefit of this testing method is time and effort savings. Instead of creating a new test case for each set of input data, you can use just one test case with various input data. 

But there are still more, so to speak, "obvious" benefits of data-driven testing, for example:

  • Optimized workflows for smoother testing.
  • Improved software quality through comprehensive evaluation.
  • Testing adjusts to changing data inputs for thorough assessment.

In addition, there are non-obvious ones such as:

  1. Early bug detection
    Data-driven testing goes beyond traditional testing methods by enabling the identification of potential issues in early development stages. By exposing how software behaves with various data inputs, including edge cases and unusual scenarios, teams can detect and address bugs before they escalate into larger problems. This proactive approach not only saves time and resources but also ensures a smoother development process and higher-quality end products.
  2. Comprehensive test coverage
    Traditional testing methods may overlook edge cases and unusual inputs, leading to gaps in test coverage. Data-driven testing, however, provides a more thorough evaluation by covering a wide range of data scenarios. By simulating real-world usage conditions and considering diverse data inputs, teams can ensure comprehensive test coverage and identify potential issues that might otherwise go unnoticed. This comprehensive approach enhances software reliability and minimizes the risk of unexpected failures in production environments.
  3. Predictive analytics
    Data-driven testing generates valuable insights into software behavior based on data patterns and trends. By analyzing testing data, teams can identify recurring issues, understand performance trends, and predict potential issues before they occur. This predictive analytics capability allows teams to proactively address potential issues, optimize future software releases, and enhance overall software quality. Additionally, predictive analytics can help teams make informed decisions about resource allocation, prioritize testing efforts, and allocate resources more effectively.
  4. Regulatory compliance assurance
    In industries such as healthcare, finance, and government, regulatory compliance is a critical aspect of software development. Data-driven testing provides detailed documentation of testing processes and results, which is essential for demonstrating compliance with industry regulations and standards. By maintaining comprehensive records of testing activities, including test plans, test cases, and test results, teams can ensure that their software meets regulatory requirements and standards. This documentation also facilitates audits and inspections, streamlines compliance reporting, and reduces the risk of non-compliance penalties and fines.
  5. Enhanced user experience
    Data-driven testing leads to a better user experience by improving software quality and reliability. By identifying and resolving potential issues early in the development process, teams can deliver more reliable and user-friendly software products. This enhanced user experience not only improves customer satisfaction but also helps build trust and loyalty among users. Additionally, by continuously monitoring and analyzing user feedback and usage data, teams can identify opportunities for further optimization and refinement, ensuring ongoing improvements to the user experience over time.

Disadvantages of data-driven testing

While data-driven testing offers numerous benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider:

  • Complexity
    Implementing data-driven testing requires careful planning and execution, which can introduce complexity to the testing process. Managing large datasets, designing test cases for various data scenarios, and maintaining test scripts can be challenging and time-consuming.
  • Initial investment
    Adopting data-driven testing may require an initial investment in tools, training, and infrastructure. Organizations may need to invest in specialized testing tools, resources for data management, and training for testing teams to effectively implement data-driven testing practices.
  • Maintenance overhead
    Data-driven testing frameworks and test scripts require ongoing maintenance to keep them up to date. As software evolves and data requirements change, testers need to update test scripts, manage data sources, and maintain compatibility with new software versions. This ongoing maintenance overhead can increase the complexity and cost of testing over time.
  • Data quality issues
    The effectiveness of data-driven testing relies heavily on the quality and reliability of the test data. Poorly formatted or inaccurate data can lead to unreliable test results and false positives/negatives. Ensuring the quality and consistency of test data sources is essential for the success of data-driven testing initiatives.
  • Limited suitability
    Data-driven testing may not be suitable for every testing scenario. While it excels in scenarios with large datasets or complex data dependencies, it may be less effective for testing scenarios with simple input-output relationships or limited variability in data inputs. Organizations need to assess the suitability of data-driven testing for their specific testing requirements and adapt their approach accordingly.

Types of data-driven testing

Here are some main types of data-driven testing:

Parameterized testing

In parameterized testing, test cases are defined with parameters that can be replaced with different values during execution. This allows the same test case to be run with different inputs.

As an example, we can use a function that calculates the total cost of a shopping cart. This function takes two parameters: the price of each item in the cart and the quantity of each item. Instead of writing separate test cases for different shopping cart scenarios, you can use parameterized testing. Hence, you define your test cases as different shopping cart scenarios. For example, one test case could be a cart with three items priced at $5 each, and another test case could be a cart with two items priced at $10 each. 

Data-driven testing with external data sources 

Data-driven testing with external data sources expands on the concept of parameterized testing by retrieving test data from external storage systems (Excel spreadsheets, CSV files, XML files, or databases) rather than embedding it directly within the test scripts.

This methodology is employed when there is a need to decouple test data from test scripts, allowing for easier maintenance and scalability. It is particularly advantageous when dealing with large datasets or when test data needs to be updated frequently without modifying the test scripts themselves.

For instance, a software application needs to be tested with different sets of user credentials stored in an external database. Instead of hardcoding these credentials directly into the test scripts, data-driven testing with external sources retrieves the credentials from the database during test execution.

Keyword-driven testing

Keyword-driven testing separates test case design from its implementation. Test cases are defined using high-level keywords or actions, and the corresponding test data is provided separately. Test scripts then interpret these keywords and execute the corresponding actions with the provided test data.

For example, keyword-driven testing for testing the login functionality of a web application can look like this:

  • Keywords defining: Actions like "Open Browser", "Enter Username", "Enter Password", "Click Login Button", "Verify Login Success", and "Verify Error Message".
  • Test case creation: Use keywords in different sequences for scenarios like "Successful Login", "Invalid Username", and "Empty Password".
  • Test data preparation: Include valid/invalid usernames, passwords, and expected outcomes.
  • Test case execution: Use keywords and test data to perform actions on the application.
  • Results verification: Check if actual outcomes match the expected outcomes for each test case.

How to Automate Testing in the DevOps Lifecycle_ A Step-by-Step Guide - Executive Automats-2-2

Table-driven testing

Table-driven testing involves creating a table where each row represents a test case, and columns represent inputs, expected outputs, or other test parameters. Test scripts iterate through the rows of the table, executing the test logic for each set of inputs and verifying the expected outputs.

This approach is used when we have multiple test scenarios with similar logic but varying inputs and expected outcomes. It promotes modularity and maintainability by centralizing test data in a structured format, making it easier to manage and update test cases.

Steps for table-driven testing

Goal: to test an online shopping cart functionality

  1. Prepare the test data
    Create an Excel spreadsheet with columns representing different input variables (item prices and quantities) and the expected output (total price).
  2. Write the test script
    • Develop a generic test script that reads the input data (item prices and quantities) from each row of the spreadsheet.
    • The script should then perform the necessary actions to simulate adding the items to the shopping cart and calculate the total price. 
  3. Read the test data
    The script iterates over each row in the spreadsheet, extracting the prices, quantities, and the expected total price.
  4. Execute the test with different data
    For each row (test case) in the Excel file, the script performs the following actions:
    • Add Item 1 to the cart with the specified price and quantity.
    • Add Item 2 to the cart with the specified price and quantity.
    • Calculate the total price of the items in the cart.
    • Compare the calculated total price with the expected total price from the spreadsheet. 
  5. Verify results
    The script verifies that the calculated total price matches the expected total price for each test case. If they match, the test case passes; if they don’t, the test case fails.

To sum up

Data-driven testing enhances software quality assurance by ensuring comprehensive test coverage and increased efficiency. By using varied data inputs, this method uncovers potential defects and ensures consistent, repeatable testing. Implementing data-driven testing is a strategic move toward delivering high-quality software products.